Welcome Todd Purgason

An open letter to our first Executive Creative Director
Todd, Welcome to day one at Metajive. While this is day one at Metajive, it is definitely not our first day working together. You are walking into a role I have hoped to fill for almost a decade, but the business was not ready. A lot has happened since the first time we worked together when we were vendors for Juxt, the digital design studio you built, as we all figured out this thing called “The Internet”. I have likely told you before that Juxt was an inspiration to me through various iterations of Metajive over the years. I have always appreciated your time, advice, and friendship over the past decade (I looked and our first email is from 2010). First and foremost, we both know how important culture is. Across your career at Envoy, Miriam, and Five by Five Global there has been one constant -- a culture of creating great work. We both know creating GREAT PROJECTS is much harder than creating good projects so making that the reason your team shows up in the morning has always been your job number one. I am incredibly optimistic about the talent already on the team and the influence you can have on each and every one of them. As you know, one of the core values of Metajive is growth (it is on our website, our sweatshirts, and soon on the walls of our new office). And while growth has different constructs in the agency, the growth of our team is key to making this mission successful. You can rest assured Kai-zen (the Japanese word for constant improvement) is another value at Metajive, so while our team has a great rhythm and process we know it can always be better... so once you get your set wet with the team you are welcome and encouraged to make any changes we need to to make better projects, and better partner and team experiences. While I won’t go into depth on our other values -- Vision, Creation & Experience -- you share them all, which is why I am so confident this will be a great fit. Because this is real life, we also know it will not be a perfect fit and that is ok — we will find a way to make the best decisions and we can share our context and listen (feel free to grab me by the ears when I really need to hear something).This wasn't the first time I tried to get you to join Metajive. Even when it didn't work you were still there to help throughout the years and that means more than you can know. With the wind at our back, it truly feels like the right time to hand over the reins to have you lead the creative team. While we still need to figure out my role so I can stay connected to the creative work I started Metajive to do, I am grateful to have you in a new role on our team's journey. Now we are set up to take the work we deliver to the place I've been aiming for since I started the Metajive moniker in 2004. Now I will end this the way I do all welcome letters when someone joins the Metajive team.“Please make Metajive the place you create the best work of your life".Welcome,_DB
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