Indigo Design Awards

It’s no secret that collaboration fuels Metajive.
So when we heard about the Indigo Design Awards our ears perked up and we immediately started clicking down the rabbit hole to find out how we could become more involved.
Indigo Awards started by asking a simple question, "what's the most effective way to serve and promote the design community?" A somewhat simple question that has led to an exciting solution.
We've all pitched our work to well-known and esteemed design competitions with the hopes our work will reach more eyes and be recognized for how great/awesome it is. Not a bad thing. But Indigo Design decided to look at the competition model deeper and asked: "is this best for the designers?" And their answer was no.
Indigo Awards aim is to be the prism through which international, cutting-edge talent shines through. They consider themselves to be a new kind of competition that celebrates and promotes innovation, prodigy and the very best of Graphic, Digital, Mobile and Games design. They are looking for unsung heroes, the ones who work behind the scenes to create a killer brand identity that takes a company to the next level. Those creative geniuses who dream up intricate fantasy realms for online games. The master architects who push the limits of imagination to design website interfaces that are as inventive as they are intuitive. Know someone? Be sure to share this post with them and tell them to check out the Indigo Design Awards.
Their first Indigo Design Award Ceremony will be hosted in Tokyo later this year and our main man Dave Benton has a ticket to sit on the Jury panel. Dave recently commented on his chance to sit on the Jury "I'm excited to see some truly innovative work and to support and promote great design!"
Indigo Design exists to serve. They want to know what moves you and wants to share and spread your unique worldview. Get in on the action!
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